The Black Velvet Band History...

In the early 90's Christchurch musician Ian Costello formed The Black Velvet Band at The Loft Bar in Gloucester St, and so began an musical institution that over the years has steered its way through various evolutions, Costello was always at the helm.
Today, The Black Velvet Band features;

Ian Costello: Mandolin
Adam Gallagher: Bass / Guitar / Vocals
Brendan Gregg: Bass / Guitar / Vocals
Andrew Moen: Drums.
The Band are regularly joined the cream of the Celtic genre including: David Thorpe; Nick Jackman; Steven Tyerman; Vicky Fiddle, Cam Foggo, Mike Stevens; Willie McArthur and Evan 'The Clap'

Roll Call of past members of The Black Velvet Band

MK 1

Ian Costello
Mike Coffee
Martin Butts
Dave Allen
Mike Gregg
MK 2

Ian Costello
Chris O'Connell
Adam Gallagher
Tony Coughlan
Brendan Greg
Dave Allen
MK 3

Ian Costello
Dave Thompson
Pete Vaile
Andrew Moen
Pete Mothus
MK 4

Ian Costello
Cameron Foggo
Jeremy Brownbrooks
Garth Dawson
Rua Seregant
Jeff Caulett
Nick McGowan
MK 5

Ian Costello
John Boon
Nick McGowan
MK 6

Ian Costello
Cameron Foggo
David Thorpe
Jono Hopley
Nick Jackman
MK 7

Ian Costello
Cameron Foggo
David Thorpe
Jono Hopley
Jarl Arneric
MK 8

Ian Costello
Cameron Foggo
David Thorpe
Jarl Arneric
Tim Low
MK 9

Ian Costello
Cameron Foggo
David Thorpe
Mo Moen
Tim Low
MK 10

Ian Costello
Adam Gallagher
David Thorpe
Mo Moen
Tim Low
MK 11

Ian Costello
Adam Gallagher
David Thorpe
Mo Moen
Cameron Foggo
MK 12

Ian Costello
Cameron Foggo
Mo Moen
David Thorpe
Dove Bailey
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